Monday, July 16, 2012


I'm not a native Texan but I live in Texas. (Interestingly, that could be a song lyric at a two-step joint in Amarillo.)

I think living in Houston is pretty fun and also a little bit weird. For example, a lot of people like decorations like this:

A more authentic version of what you see in a TGI Fridays

One man's trash is another man's...wall trash.

Also, you might be walking around and just come across a horse.

Horse's eyeballs are huge. It's unnerving.
Recently, I was at work and someone said, "Hey, there's a miniature pony outside. Wanna go see it?"

Of course I did!

Why is this at my place of business?!

I mentioned this to my mom and she said, "Oh I love those!"

The heck?

There are also a lot of crazy foods in Houston. For example, I went to a Korean restaurant where the staff only spoke Korean. This was confusing because the menu was also only in Korean. I did a lot of pointing and motioning to try to communicate the terms "not spicy" and "beef perhaps?" to the server. He nodded as though he understood, but when he returned, I realized I had not been very clear.

He set on the table a glass of what looked like muddy water with bits of things floating in it. What I drank tasted pretty much just like liquid toast.

Then he returned and did this to the table:

Back row, far right. Yup, that's a bunch of minnows with eyes.


It was all very tasty and confusing.

Speaking of tasty and confusing (but probably just confusing), I went to a large Asian market and found this:

Who's hungry?

I figured maybe for a bait shop, but a grocery store?

The other day I was walking out of church when I saw this:

Just your average day in Texas
I'll probably never get used to this place. Who wants to visit?